Saturday 19 April 2008

I'm bringing good news !

Hello everybody !

Here I have some good news : yesterday, Friday 18 April 2008, I played "The good, the bad and the ugly" (which is available on this blog) during an audition and guess what... I won the audience prize (which is amazing as I only have 1 year of piano behind me) ! But I also won the 4th jury prize !

I'm learning Pirates of Caribbean theme, a French song called "La bohème", a Celtic song (that I have written myself !) and much more !
I think I'll first add my Celtic song, get ready : it's amazing (as it's mine)

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Piano Dreams

Hi you all !

Here's a new piece : Piano Dreams, from Hans-Gunter Heumman. Relly nice piece according to me !
I played it 3 different ways : Normal, sad and fast & happy version, in this order on the video. Enjoy !

Feel free to comment this video



Hi everybody !

I've just added a new piece : Jamie Houston's "Everyday, from "High School Musical II". It's normal it doesn't sound like the original song because someone singing along would be needed more there is normally other instruments such as a guitare, ...
So, there's here only the piano part. If you have the sheets for other instruments (that I don't have but that interest me), you can play it along this video, I'm not going so fast. If you want you also can sing along (I haven't done it because I can't sing ^^)

I hope you'll enjoy !

See you soon
